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Published on Apr 17, 2016

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Photo by boltron-


  • Joseph & Jayden do not have any juvenile record.
  • Suspects left before gun shots were heard.
  • Mrs. James had a good relationship with her sons.
  • There are witnesses that saw the sons left before the gun shots.
Photo by angela7dreams

The victim appears to have been in a struggle. There was 3 sets fingerprints and 2 shoe prints from the carpet. 2 of the prints match the victims the third is a latent print that is unable to produce a 90% match. The two sets of shoe prints are inconclusive, one of the prints is a size of 12 men's shoe which would be the size of someone 5'11-6'1

Photo by duucfho

The victim blood alcohol level was .50 & the knuckles on both hands have bruising as if she were in a fight and has a laceration over her right eye. Yes the suspects admit having an altercation with their mother shortly before leaving. There is no possibility that her both sons killed her when they left before the witnesses heard the gun shots.

Now how is it possible for the victims sons had killed her when they have no juvenile record, and a witness saw them two sons flee from the house before gun shots were heard. Who killed the victim? Was it really the suspects or was it the witness? Who could know?

Photo by Len Radin