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Published on Feb 02, 2016

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Photo by Xuoan


  • "The science of how individual and societies deal with the fact that want's are greater than limited resources available."
Photo by Xuoan

The 4 Resources

  • Land
  • Labour
  • Capital
  • Entrepreneurship
Photo by Xuoan

Key concept

  • Scarcity
  • Opportunity cost
  • Unintended effect
  • Exchange/trade
Photo by Xuoan


  • The need of choice
  • The need for rationing device
  • Competition
  • E.g. selection of players in sport.
Photo by Xuoan

Opportunity cost

  • The most highly valued opportunity or alternative forfeited when a choice is made.
Photo by Xuoan

Unintended effects

  • A positive or negative outcome that was not anticipated.
Photo by Xuoan


  • The process of giving up one thing for another.
Photo by Xuoan

Economics categories

  • positive/normative economics
  • microeconomics/ macroeconomics
Photo by Xuoan

Production Probability Frontier

  • Straight Line
  • Concave PPF
Photo by Xuoan

Straight Line

  • Constant opportunity cost
  • e.g. In sport, increase performance, increase value of the player. Vice versa.
Photo by Xuoan

Concave PPF

  • Increasing opportunity cost
  • e.g. Increase the salary, decrease the number of staff
Photo by Xuoan


  • Consists of the points on PPF curve and all points below PPF curve.
Photo by Xuoan


  • Consists of the points above and beyond the PPF.
  • e.g. A state football club is unable to buy a first division football player.
Photo by Xuoan

Productive efficiency

  • The condition where the maximum output is produced with given resources and technology.
Photo by Xuoan

Productive inefficiency

  • The condition where less than the maximum output is produced.
Photo by Xuoan