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Üńīt 1° Çårdš 🔟 📝

Published on Dec 02, 2015

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Haiku Deck Cards. Jamal Crawford ^^^


  • (U bäm' a na bal) adj) disgusting, hatred
  • Abominable is to hateful as memento is to rememberance
  • A lot of people hate the Abominable Snowman
Photo by tolomea


  • (Kän' ce kwens) n.) a good or bad result
  • Consequence is to result as delude is to trick
  • When he broke the cookie jar the consequence was to sit in time-out
Photo by DoctorButtsMD


  • (Dōl) v.) to give out small amounts (n.) money
  • Dole is to ration as engulf is to immerse
  • We had to dole the water when we had a drought.
Photo by jonjohnson


  • (Foil)v.) to defeat
  • Foil is to frustrate as formulate is to define
  • I foiled the egyptian territory by winning an attack.
Photo by Asitimes


  • (I nish' u tiv)n.)ability to act without being directed
  • Initiative is to leadership as memento is to souvenir
  • I was happy when I took initiative and told the team what to do.
Photo by SimonDoggett


  • (Nän kon fôr' mist)N.) person who refuses to establish ideas
  • Nonconformist is to maverick as memento is to souvenir
  • Nonconformists hate Obama care
Photo by NObamaNoMas


  • (Pan u ram' u)N.) Wide view of the area
  • Panorama is just overview engolf is encompass
  • I took a panoramic picture of my family
Photo by geezaweezer


  • (Pri)v) to pull loose
  • Pry is to snoop as dole is to ration
  • I pried the door open when it was stuck locked.
Photo by kodomut