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Animal Behavior 2

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Stimulus and Response
Behavior is a way for animals to learn new behavior or react to changes in it's environment ,whether it's internal environment or external environment.
Stimulus is a warning. For example, if you sneeze, your eyes will make you close them. It's is impossible to sneeze without closing your eyes.
Response is when your body responds to a stimulus. It's a reaction.

Types of Stimuli
There are four types of stimulus that can be detected, which are: light, sound, odors, heat, but not all animals can detect it.

How Animals Respond:
An animal can respond to stimulus including the sense of organs nervous systems and muscles to the result of behavior

1. Behavior and Evolution
Animal behavior is an important factor of survival and reproduction. Most behaviors are triggered by genetic cause which means

that these behaviors are given to offspring. When offspring are born with such behaviors it gives them a better chance to survive and reproduce in the wild

Innate Behavior also known as an instinct. Even though they might have not been in a certain situation the action is still fully functional for example like how spider build their webs

The 4 major types of learning are habituation, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and insight learning

Habituation is when an animal decreases or completely stops a response to a stimulus that neither rewards or harms the animal

Classical Conditioning is a process in which a mental connection is made between a stimulus and a reward or punishment for example when a dog hears a bell he gets food

Operant Conditioning is when an animal learns to behavior in a certain way during a repetitive situation

Insight learning can be the most complicated of these learning processes. It occurs when an animal applies something it had already learned to a new situation

Instinct and learning Combined
animals learn by coping responses mostly from there mother.
they call it imprinting.

Once it is done the animal cannot change, it involves both innate and learned behavior

Behavioral Cycles
behaviors can reflect off environmental changes. For example when bears hibernate.

Courtship is to pass along certain genes that helps the animal locate a another member of their species at least once. It is overall a reproductive strategy

Social Behavior often includes closely related members of a species because they share majority of their genes helping a relative increases survival

Competition And Aggression
some animals have behaviors that protect resources can also occur when claiming resources

animals use visual,sound,touch,or chemical signals to communicate with one another

visual signal
Animals with great eyesight us signals such as movement and color to communicate

chemical signals
animals with a great sense of smell release chemicals like the skunk

sound signals
Animals with strong vocal abilities use sound such as the cricket

most complicated form of communication that includes sounds,symbols, and gestures according to a set of rules and order