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Published on Nov 05, 2015

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"Uglies" by: Scott Westerfeld Abc book

Destinee Shehan 3/12/15

Arbitrator- an independent person who is appointed to settle an issue.
Tally Youngblood is an arbitrator. She is forced to solve the mystery of Smoke.
"Then I'll make you a promise too, Tally Youngblood. Until you help us, to the very best of your ability, you will never be pretty,"(Westerfeld 110).

Beauty- a combination of qualities, such as shape, color or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight. Beauty plays a huge role in the book, "Uglies" and you are not beautiful until you undergo a surgery to make you physical perfect. And until you become a "pretty", which is someone who has gone through the surgery, you are a nobody.
"Tally's eyes widened as Shay turned the pages, pointing and giggling. She'd never seen so wildly different faces before. Mouths and eyes and noses of every imaginable shape, all combined insanely on people....Some were grotesquely fat, or weirdly over-muscled, or uncomfortably thin, and almost all of them had wrong, ugly proportions. But instead of being ashamed...the people were laughing and kissing and posing, as if the pictures had been taken at some big party,"(Westerfeld 198). This quote shows that Tally and the almost everybody else believed that until you were perfect and pretty you didn't mean anything and that you should stay in the shadows until you become a "pretty".

Photo by ~Dezz~

Croy- Croy is someone Tally meets when she arrives in the mysterious place called the Smoke. At first Croy is skeptical of Tally, but later on they become friends.
" Tally met his piercing eyes, struggling to think of what to say... but the fact that he was dead right silenced her,''(Westerfeld 238). Croy seemed like a nice easy going guy, but he becomes suspicious of Tally.

David-David is the first real born child of Smoke, though he is a grown adult now. David keeps Smoke running and is well respected, but is not a dictator of any sorts." The boy smiled again. He was an ugly, but he had a nice smile. And his face held a kind of confidence that Tally had never seen...his smile was crooked, and his forehead was too high,"(Westerfeld 189). When Tally

Enforcer-- one that enforces
Dr.Cable is an enforcer along with all of those who work in Special Circumstances.
"'What is Special Circumstances'.... We exist in equilibrium environment, Tally.... But sometimes there are threats outside the city, sometimes there are Special Circumstances," (Westerfeld 107).

Friendships- a relationships of state of being and caring for another-- a state of mutual trust and support between others. " Listen, if you don't want to come, that's fine, I mean it Squint,. But we're not going to get caught. And if we do I'll take the blame...I'm coming I said I would,''(Westerfeld 55). Tally and Shay are both friends and would take the blame for each others mistakes. They both also understand each others boundaries and respect each other equally.

Gadgets- is a mechanical device or tool, especially an ingenious. Because the book takes place in the future, there are lots of little gadgets that are very important to the book, like hoverboards and tracking pendants that scan eyes.
" A special long- ranged hoverboard was waiting under the dam..." ( Westerfeld 139).

Hints- a slight or indirect indication or suggestion to lead one.
Shay leaves hints for Tally so she can find her way to Smoke.
" Take the coaster straight past the gap,
until you find one that's long and flat.
Cold is the sea and watch from breaks.
At the second make the worst mistake, (Westerfeld 152). This is an example of some of the hints Shay left behind.

Infiltrator- To penetrate with hostile intent.
Tally is a spy for Special Circumstances and is trying to give up Smoke's location.
"She was a spy, an infiltrator. She was the last person David should trust," (Westerfeld 217).

Jealousy-the state of being envious. Shay is jealous because Shay likes David, but David is only interested in Tally.
"' He doesn't talk to me much anymore. Not since you showed up. Not about anything important. He's got stuff on his mind, he says,"'(Westerfeld 240).

Keen-(of mental faculties) quick to understand or function.
Tally is keen and can easily wrap her head around new, challenging topics and react.
" David stared as Tally went along... waiting for the rest of her idea..." ( Westerfeld 366). Tally is good at coming up with plans quickly, as seen here when she makes a plan in a matter of seconds.

Love- strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties.
David and Tally fall in love and because of that love Tally does everything she can to make up for lying to everyone in the beginning. "... but David's face shone with adoration for what she'd done. A feeling spread through her, a warmth that pushed away the cold wind cutting across the ridge. Then Tally shuddered inside, when she realized what the feeling was... she didn't deserve the warmth in David's eyes, (Westerfeld 249).

Photo by Josh Kenzer

Misleading- giving the wrong impression. " ...Dr.Cable's way of misleading the Smokies, getting them to drop their guard. Tally herself was the real danger,"( Westerfeld 189). Dr.Cable had arranged for certain things to happen so that no one would suspect that Special Circumstances was involved, but Tally knew that she herself is the real person the Smokies should worry about.Tally misleads everyone in Smoke and betrays them by accident, but in then end she does everything in her power to fix her mistakes.

Negotiate- try to find a way through an obstacle.
"...until you help us ... you will never be pretty,"(Westerfeld 110). Tally wants to become pretty and Dr.Cable wants to find Smoke so they make a deal that if Tally finds smoke she can become a 'pretty'.

Options- a thing that is or may be chosen.
"'We always have choices, Tally. You've made yours,'"( Westerfeld 129). Tally had the choice to either stay ugly forever, but give up Shay's secret, or she could sell Shay out and become a 'pretty'.

Pretties- are people who had the surgery that makes you perfect. There are four different stages of being a pretty. Young pretty which is someone who has just became pretty and is usually irresponsible and parties all the time. Then there are middle aged pretties which is those who have settled down and been pretty for a while. And then old pretties which are old people who have already have kids and their kids probably have had kids. To almost everyone becoming pretty is the most important thing's in their lives and until you are pretty you mean nothing. "The was something magic in their large and perfect eyes, something that made you want to pay attention to whatever they said, to protect them from any danger, to make them happy. There were so...pretty,"(Westerfeld 8).

Quest- a long or arduous search something. Tally goes on a quest to find Smoke.
"Maybe this really would be an adventure. Of course at the end of this adventure will be betrayal,"(Westerfeld 141).

Rebel- a person who rises in opposition or armed in resistance against an established leader.
"' Tally. You had a change of heart, You decided to run away. Just another ugly escaping the tryanny of beauty,'"(Westerfeld 133).

Smoke- the mysterious place where kids seem to keep disappearing to. Including Tally's friend Shay, which is the whole reason why Tally had to meet with Special Circumstances and is not allowed to become a 'pretty' until she finds smoke and gives up it's location.
"The smoke really was smoky.... There was wood everywhere... Talley wondered where they had found so much wood,'' ( Westerfeld 195).

Tally- Tally is the main character in the book. Tally is daring, strong and creative. "She put her fingers up to her face, felt the wide nose and thin lips, the too high forehead and mass of tangled hair,"(Westerfeld 9). Though Tally uses negative words to describe herself, she is actually pretty in the eyes of our society, but the society of the book believes you are ugly until you are perfect.

Uglies- are people who haven't got the surgery to make them physical perfect. 'Uglies' are looked down upon by everyone.
" Of course, Tally was a nothing here. Worse, she was ugly," ( Westerfeld 6).

Vacillate- to waver between opinions/actions. Tally wavers between becoming pretty and betraying her best friend or remaining ugly and keeping her friend.
"Since the day she'd gone to get her operation, she felt the massive weight of the city looming over her, and had learned first-hand how much places like Smoke threaten people like Dr.Cable,'' Westerfeld 216). Tally realizes how much better the Smoke is compared to the cites and that if more people knew about it some would leave the cities in a heartbeat. Though no matter how wonderful Smoke is it still can't make one a 'pretty'.

Wit- mental sharpness and inventiveness. Talley is very smart and creative and can make come up with ideas in a matter of seconds to get herself out of trouble.
"' Fire drill!' Tally said and ran to the edge of the roof.Once she had the jacket around her shoulders, the straps wrapped arond her like snakes.... For a split second, she wondered if the jacket would work since she wasn't wearing her interface ring... but she had promised Peris she wouldn't get caught.... And she jumped," ( Westerfeld 22). Tally almost got caught crashing a 'Pretty' party so instead of getting arrested she pulls the fire alarm and bungee jumps off the building.

Young-being in an early period of life or growth. Most of the characters in the book are in their teenage years.
"' She sighed. Sixteen years finally." In the middle of the book, Tally and Shay both turn Sixteen on the same day and later the books says that David is eighteen.