What do you spend this kind of time on?
What is your masterpiece?
Psalm 139
- where shall I flee...
- If I descend to hell , you are there
- My substance is not hid from thee
- All of my nature is in your book
I will praise Thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully Made..and this my soul knoweth right well
You are fearfully and wonderfully made!
But do we really know that well?
Jeremiah 29:11
Are the plans like those an artisan has for his or her creation?
We have a choice to live our lives in any Way we choose.
A Way...
- Greed
- Envy
- Selfishness
- Lust
- Pride
A Better Way...
- Love
- Humility
- Generosity
- Wisdom
- The way Jesus lives...
Live in, through, and with Christ
Live in, through, and with Christ
You are a fearfully and wonderfully made masterpiece.