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Social Studies

Published on Nov 27, 2015

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Photo by russelljsmith

Clocks were invented during imperial china they are more accurate then a hourglass or a sundial.

A sundial in instrument that indicates a time of day by means of the position on a graduated plate or surface of the shadow of the gnomon as it is by the sun it was made by ancient people

Photo by judith74

An hourglass is an instrument for measuring time consisting of two bulbs of glass joins by a narrow passage through which a quantity of sand or mercury runs in just an hour.

Photo by SychiO

The clock were made in
China,then went to Europe, then To United States

Photo by yweibel

Accurate mechanical clocks were developed in ancient China because of a belief in a form of astrology that was based upon the moment of conception rather than the time of birth.Retainers listened outside the royal bedrooms to record the possible times of conception of royal children. This was considered important enough that considerable effort was devoted to developing accurate timing mechanisms.Retainers listened outside the royal bedrooms to record the possible times of conception of royal children.

These clock mechanisms were borrowed in the West and perfected for other purposes. When Jesuits presented such mechanical clocks to the Chinese emperor many centuries later the technology had be forgotten in China and no one knew that the mechanical clock had been invented in China.