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By: Phil Campos
Photo by kenteegardin


  • Annual: $ 70,122 Monthly: $ 5,843 Semimonthly: $2,922 Biweekly: $2,697 weekly: $ 1,348 Hourly: $ 34

Math Required

  • Fundamental math, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication Division. No more grader than College Algebra.
Photo by Presley*

Accounting Use math

  • Accountants use addition and subtraction every day to arrive at totals for management reports, reconciliations and Tax reports. They balance or reconcile bank statements in much the same way that individuals do -- by adding deposits and interest and subtracting checks and bank fees. To calculate the overhead rates that apply to production pieces, accountants divide the total expected overhead costs by the expected number of production pieces. Later, they calculate the cost for each production piece by dividing the total actual cost by the total actual production.

math in every day life

  • Even those suffering from math-related anxieties or phobias cannot escape its everyday presence in their lives. From home to school to work and places in-between, math is everywhere. Whether using measurements in a recipe, or deciding if half a tank of gas will make the destination, we all use math. It is a good idea, therefore, for teachers and parents of reluctant math learners to use real world examples to ignite a spark of practical interest.
Photo by C6.R


  • Some people aren't even out of bed before encountering math. Setting an alarm and hitting snooze, they may quickly need to calculate the new time they will arise. Or they might step on a bathroom scale and decide that they’ll skip those extra calories at lunch. People on medication need to understand different dosages, whether in grams or milliliters. Recipes call for ounces and cups and teaspoons --all measurements, all math. And decorators need to know that the dimensions of their furnishings and rugs will match the area of their rooms.
Photo by Werner Kunz

In Travel

  • Travelers often consider their miles-per-gallon when fueling up for daily trips, but they might need to calculate anew when faced with obstructionist detours and consider the cost in miles, time and money. Air travelers need to know departure times and arrival schedules. They also need to know the weight of their luggage unless they want to risk some hefty baggage surcharges. Once on board, they might enjoy some common aviation-related math such as speed, altitude and flying time.
Photo by bonacheladas

At Store

  • Whether buying coffee or a car, basic principles of math are in play. Purchasing decisions require some understanding of budgets and the cost and affordability of items from groceries to houses. Short-term decisions may mean only needing to know cash-at-hand, but bigger purchases may require knowledge of interest rates and amortization charts. Finding a mortgage may be much different than choosing a place to have lunch, but they both cost money and require math
Photo by Random Retail


Photo by TC Morgan