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Plant Cell

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Basic example for Biology - CELLS technology project


Plant Cell

Ellen Howell - Aug 2014
Photo by seanmcgrath


The nucleus houses the DNA, or genetic material, and is like the "brain"
Photo by Sean Stayte


The "power house," it creates energy from sugar
Photo by beninfreo

Captures light to make food

Golgi apparatus
looks like a stack of pancakes - It modifies, packages and transports proteins

Photo by Autumn Welles

Endoplasmic Reticulum
rough=protein synthesis
smooth=lipid and carb synthesis

Large Vacuole

stores water, minerals, etc
Photo by SamCheong

the site of protein synthesis

Photo by Andy.Schultz

Plasma Membrane
Selectively permeable, allowing only certain things in or out

Photo by See El Photo

Thank you!

                                 enjoy your day!
Photo by giev