- Create a weekly schedule
- Enter assignments and grade them
- Print report cards and transcripts
- Paper
- Over-engineered software
Our users
- Large families - lots of students
- Time poor
- Technically able, but insecure
- Value flexibility
- Value simplicity
The Type A Mom
Allie says, "I want to be able to plan our schedule monthly, and always know where and what my kids are working on at any given moment.
The Whenever-I-want Mom
Lynda says, "As a mom of 8, I've got A LOT going on. I want to be able to enter assignments before or AFTER they actually are done and grade them when I want too"
The Delight-directed Mom
Elizabeth says, "I want a way to create an outline for what we're working on, but then enter in things fluidly as we plan day-to-day, week-to-week.
Our design touchstones
- Simple
- Strive for intuitive interactions
- Ruthless minimalization
- Clean, crisp design, yet peaceful
How do we create a scheduling system that is both highly flexible yet also systemized?
Focus on prioritization rather than time slots.
How do we give homeschool moms a big picture view of what's going on with the ability to work down to granular data?
An informative dashboard, student tiles, weekly schedule.
How do we keep onboarding and user management easy for large families?
Simplify the onboarding process and create a "family" user account.
Example user story:
"I want to be able to see what all my kids are doing TODAY on one screen."
Example improvement on user feedback: "I have multiple kids doing the same assignment. I'd like to only have to create and enter it once!"