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Copy of Eso Sumaya..

Published on Mar 17, 2016

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Welcome to villa Sumaya:
In this presentation I will be talking about "Eco Sumaya" which explains all the ways we try to recycle and help the earth.

What is Eco...?
Eco is anything that can be recycled. Anything greens.

Photo by kino-eye

In villa Sumaya we have a thing called Eco-Sumaya, where we reduce, reuse, recycle. Up cycle. Water catchment system center and we also have solar panels to provide hot water and energy.


  • Examples:
  • Use old mild cartons to plant plants in.
  • We tht nything that could be planted in .
  • Also all the "gray water" from the washer to water the garden.
  • We give our chickens the food left over.
Photo by Marcus Q


  • Up cycle is were you take something and give it a different meaning.
  • We also do a lot of up cycling.
  • Everyone of our rooms has a plastic bottle where when people come they
  • can "stuff" their trash in the bottles.

Water catchment system!
Being an hotel we us a lot of water. For this we have tanks that catch the rain water and stores it until me need it. This helps the environment by not having to us so much energy to pump the water up the hill.

Photo by Ian Sane

Solar panels!!
Electricity =energy=pollution.
It is better using solar panels for your power source.
Villa Sumaya has over 16 solar panels heating and providing electicity.

Photo by Luigi_Alesi

Fruit forest...
Villa Sumaya has a dream of having its own "fruit forest".
Since the hotel started Wendy the owner has planted over 200 fruit trees all over the land in hopes that in a few years we will get all are fruit supply's from the forest.

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