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American History in the News

Published on Mar 27, 2016

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American History in the News

Austin Fallert
Photo by Ian Sane

Article 1

Sets up the legislative branch
Photo by vgm8383

The President Who Gets to Name Mountains

Whats up with that? 
Photo by blmiers2

Obama can't do that

  • Congress makes the laws
  • Presidemt enfoces the laws
  • Can't change name with congress
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Majority Rule

Photo by oledoe

Doesn't majority rule apply?

  • We shall see
Photo by Scrap Pile

Chickens and Majority

  • I want want chickens
  • You can't have chickens
  • I have the majority

Rule Of Law

Everyone has to follow the rules the same
Photo by Scott*

Rule of Law often ignored by elected officials

Federal System

Shares power between states and the government

California Dairy Farmers Seeking To Be Part Of Federal Milk Pricing System

federal System

  • Dairy farmers in Clalifornai lost 1.5 Billion dollars
  • They want to be in the federal system the state doesn't give enough money to them
Photo by c_ambler