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Self Esteem- Kate

Published on Dec 13, 2015

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Firmly believe in certain values and principles, and are ready to defend them even when finding opposition, feeling secure enough to modify them in light of experience.

Photo by FrankGuido

Confidence: Having confidence shows high self esteem because it shows you are comfortable with yourself. Inside and out.

Photo by Ilya Spirin

Optimism: Having optimism shows high self esteem because you are comfortable enough with your self and situation to see the good.

The ability to say no: This shows high self esteem because you are bold and confident enough to stand up for yourself.

Independence: Independence shows high self esteem because if you are independent you are confident that you can complete things by yourself without depending on others. You are confident in your skills.

Photo by SiGMan


Perfectionist Attitude: this shows negative self esteem because you can never accept being wrong and you will never learn from your mistakes.

Negativity: this shows negative self esteem because you can never see the good in situations and you arent confident enough in yourself to be happy.

Blaming Attitude: this shows negative self esteem because you aren't confident enough to accept making a mistake.

Fear of being ridiculed: this shows negative self esteem because you have a constant fear of not being loved or not being good enough.

Cockiness: this shows negative self esteem because you feel the need to brag about yourself as a constant reminder of what you are good at.