At its core, the project is focussed on teaching students important knowledge and skills derived from standards and key concepts at the heart of academic subjects.
1/2 of the time they spend on school work cannot end up in a folder. It should be work that they create on their own or with others that has real value to them in real world, their community, their world. The student must be able to have a voice and be able to choose the _____
4. Driving Question (Open ended, complex, high level thinking)
The driving question should be open ended, it should be challenging, urgent, relevant, meaningful, provocative, complex, that requires high level thinking, it requires in depth inquiry
Students see the need to gain knowledge understand concepts and apply skills in order to answer the Driving Question and in order to create project product beginning with entry event that generates an interest and curiosity
Students should be allowed to make choices about the products to be created, how they work and how they use their time, guided by the teacher and PBL experience
Students build skills valuable to today's world, such as collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, citizenship, and communication skills which are taught and assessed.
We can all get here if we work hard enough. It takes time and effort. We can all get there if we work hard enough. You might have thought Austin's picture was ___ but in fact it took multiple tries, multiple revisions, multiple touch points with peers to get it to look like this. The butterfly on the left was Austin's original submission. After working with his peers, receiving constructive criticism, he reflected on the feedback and made several revisions based on their input
We can all get here if we work hard enough. It takes time and effort. We can all get there if we work hard enough. You might have though Austin's picture was ___ but in fact it took multiple tries, multiple revisions, multiple touch points with peers to get it to look like this.