Copy of Facebook Photos Video 2

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Show Up

Stand Out

How To UsE THE

NEW Universal Language
Who is this for? Everyone

small business, side hussle,
direct marketing, network marketing, protect your profile - family only, old friends, new friends

If you are like...


Welcome I’m Elizabeth Harrington and Corinne Floyd If you don’t know who we are, then it is likely you haven’t watched Video #1 yet in our 4 part video series on….it will all become clear as soon as you go back to Video #1 and start a the beginning. We have created this content in an easy step by step sequential way so you can follow it step by step-like a Blueprint or a roadmap with simple instructions step by step.This is a Primer-your basic guide or roadmap for those who are kinda new to FB, or the focus up to now has been only on close friends and family connections. Now you’d like to learn more. Find out what is possible.
Or you just don’t know where to go to learn about all the cool features available to play with on your FB profile-everything seems to be about FB Pages and targeted ADS and you’re not there yet-- AND for those small business people like me who were early adopters and have maxed out the 5000 friends, still building connections and influence through followers but with all the recent changes, you need a refresher... plus you know you’re scared to death of dropping into the Black Hole of the dreaded Time Wasting Vortex!
You also want to know how do you organize different sets/groups of friends into an organized, easy to see, easy to find out what’s going on with your favorite important people-in a seamless way-see what they post.
What we know for sure? Just when you feel comfortable with the most recent updates to Facebook, along comes a whole new round.
We’re going to show you how to do this.

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Photo by wisegie

For Everyone

Photo by Marco Gomes

We Wear Many Hats

Photo by erkuthanci

Just Like You

At this stage of our lives- we wear many different hats + have many different interests and skills and experiences…today we are fascinated with how the online world works-Elizabeth-with the people/engagement/connections or “REACHING” part, Corinne with the video production, and TEACHING part…
Photo by tim caynes

Bring Back FUN!

Superwoman pictures

to rescue you from frustration and bring the Fun back to Facebook….
Photo by D7eame

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We are here to help you get out of overwhelm and frustration.

Photo by basykes

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Photo by basykes

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Photo by - reuben -

Also To Save You


Also to save you the essential resource called TIME-There is never enough time to learn it all, and to keep up with all the changes that happen in technology all the time. No one can keep up with all the changes-even those who do it fulltime as a career!

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Begin it now


on Facebook

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You & Pictures

180% more engagement on FB!

Posts with visuals invite more visits
It’s natural that human eye attracts towards images than text form of content. Facebook posts carrying images have double chances of getting comments. The engagement rate of Facebook photo albums is also 180% higher than any other form of posts. Visual-based posts invite 94% more visits than those lacking images and same is true for the engagement rate. How can you dare to ignore images after knowing such facts?
What does the visual content landscape look like for 2015? ... . .... takes imagination and some good old-fashioned common sense.

Visuals have a faster processing speed!
Scientific study reveals that the brain transmits 90% of visual information and visuals have 60,000X faster processing speed than text form (Sources: 3M Corporation and Zabisco). It means with images, the business value could be communicated effectively and quickly.
With wise use of photo gallery posting and editing tools, a business can gain great advantage, as people prefer to get engaged with businesses carrying images. It doesn’t means words will die, but mixing them with visuals will yield great benefits.

Law of reciprocity


Photo by alt text

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Photo by cobalt123

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Photo by cuatrok77

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The New Universal

Each and every day we are seeing a new universal language –this new language is made up of photos, emojis, stickers, and videos.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

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Free stickers from canva


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In one year the number of video posts per person has increased 75% globally and 94% in the USA.

Visual Language Is Coming To Life On Facebook
Photo by Viktor Hertz


Photo by theusfalcao


Photo by sillypucci


Since June 2014, Facebook has averaged more than 1 billion video views every day - that is 9 zeros can you wrap your head around 1000 X 1,000,000

The hot news re Facebook now wanting people to upload directly from their cameras not through YOUTUBE…
65% of video views are on mobile

(We will send you links)

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Smart phones, selfies
Photo by Johan Larsson

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Begin It Now

Photo by wwarby

Lists of Friends

Photo by Infomastern

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Photo by Great Beyond

What is Your personal story?

How to turn it into a personal brand.

your vibe is your tribe

What's Next?

  • Crafting your unique story
  • Your Personal Brand
  • Lists
  • Album organization
  • Cool tools to Standout
  • Etiquette
  • Social dos and don'ts

What's NExt?

  • Settings
  • Groups
  • Events
  • How to look great on camer
  • What is true engagement?

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  • ROI (What is influence and why is it important?)
  • When to use FB messaging (and not)
  • Social Rules
  • How to build community
  • Getting ready to build your FB page

Avoid Pounce & Pitch