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Energy Scrapbook

Haylie Skeldum    Period 7
Photo by slworking2


  • Coal is a rock that comes from plants and animals that have died
  • Disadvantages of using coal is: it contains pollution and displaces wildlife
  • Andvantages of coal are: it can be stored, saved and exported
Photo by Marcus Vegas


  • Advantages of oil are: it is easy to find, easy to transport, and high energy density
  • Disadvantages of oil are: It releases green house gasses, and if spilled the pollution can kill animals
  • Oil is made from fossil fuel and unrefined petroleum and is non-renewable
Photo by ddatch54

Biofuels - Biodiesal

  • Advantages of biodiesel are: Economic way to make fuel, it is non-toxic, and biodegradable
  • Disadvantages of biodiesal are: It's expensive, and a long gathering process
  • Biodiesal gas is a natural gas that we use which comes from vegetable oil and is a renewable resource
Photo by USDAgov


  • Advantages are: It is clean, renewable, and easier to get than fossil fules
  • disadvange the coust to make one and the meachine used to make them
  • wind is one of the most used energy used thing we use we are seeingmore and more wind tubrison

natural gas

  • advanges easy to transfer
  • diadvanges bad for anmail and there homes
  • natural gas is a gas that is mde from dead anmail and plants it is a norewnoal gas
Photo by PAC 2


  • advanges its clean
  • disadvantage the wast danger
  • nuclear can e put togeter and taken a part but it is nonrewaboal
Photo by minnepixel


  • advantages clean
  • disavanges the money used to run the mechieans
  • wind is probly the best energy sours because you an store it and it is renewabol
Photo by drbob97


  • advantage clean and safe for anmails
  • disavanges it sops flow of h2o
  • this type of energy is made from little tine like speed boats and it push water around
Photo by EMSL


  • advanges no polushion
  • disadvanges costaly to start and build the parts
  • heat form the earth turn in to energy


  • advanges main sours
  • disadevang is when the sun expolad where are we going to get the light from
  • it is light we get from the sun that run in to these little solar power plants so with out ther sun the solar is no good
Photo by bradleygee


  • advanges the was is low
  • disadvang count the trees down
  • you burn wood to get this type og energy i dont think this is a really good sours beacuse plants give us oxygan and if we cut them down to get energy we would not probuse as much oxygan
Photo by brentdanley


  • advanges it comes from oil its clean the gas
  • disadvanges it coust a lot to make this
  • but this is a renewabol resours

electric cars

  • advanges dose not have a poluction and need no gass
  • diadvange we have to have morre energy to run and make it work
  • i think theres arenot a really good idea bacause we have to kill more plants to make energy to charge these cars
Photo by harry_nl

hydorgen fule cells

  • advanges less pltion
  • diadvanges really expinces to make
  • this is a renewabol reousre so i think this one is better for are fucher