polycystic kidney disease
What is it ?
Polycystic kidney disease is a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous cysts in the kidneys.
Scientific History
At least 2 genes have been maped to chromosones 4 and 16 cause autosomal which causes Polycystic kidney disease.
Signs and symptons
- Abdominal pain/tenderness
- Blood in your urine
- Excessive night urintation
- Joint pain and nail abnormalities
- Kidney failure and kidney stones
It is passed down through family member characteristics.
The treatment goal of this disease is to control symptoms and prevent complications. The medication giving is mainly to control blood pressure and urination. They also provide a low salt diet.
This is Polycystic kidney disease
The disease is diagnosed mostly through ultrasonography. This means that doctors use ultrasound echoes to find precise objects.
Life Expectancy
The life expectancy depends on the patients physical condition and treatment. Most die, not because of the disease, but because of kidney failure and complications.
How can WE make a difference???
The Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation is an organization that researches this disorder. We can make a difference by eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and exercising daily. In this way we can keep our kidneys as healthy as possible.
Thank You!!!
We hope that you have learned about the disorder and disease that can affect your kidney if you do not take care of your body!!
Have a GREAT weekend!!!