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With more than 6.7 million learners taking online courses, what is best practice for motivating and retaining students in an online environment?

Keywords: motivation, retention, online, learner, instructor, instructional design
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Published on Feb 03, 2016

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How to Spice Up Online Learning
With more than 6.7 million learners taking online courses, what is best practice for motivating and retaining students in an online environment?

Keywords: motivation, retention, online, learner, instructor, instructional design


Encouraging Online Students
"With the rapid growth of online education, the focus has become the quality of learning outcomes from online courses" (Stavredes & Herder, 2014).

"Why do we need to be more concerned about motivating online learners than traditional learners? Because often, online learning comes with a stigma that’s totally un-motivating. Learners often feel that they’re being cheated out of an instructor, that online learning is not real learning, and that having to learn at their desk is more trouble then it’s worth" (Hoffman, n.d.)

Motivation is one of the most important aspects of online learning. According to Noel-Levitz (2012), the majority of online learners in the U.S. are employed full-time and new to online programs. Keeping these external factors in mind, motivation is key in providing successful instruction to students.
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The first strategy for motivating online learners involves providing timely feedback to student assignments (Morrison, 2012).

In order to encourage independent learning, instructors should make an initial connection with students by providing feedback.

Students who are ready and willing to learn will appreciate this contact, which lets them know that someone is present and dedicated to their learning.

This also allows the instructor to establish a rapport with students and better understand the external factors which could be affecting that student's learning.

Feedback leads the student in the right direction and ultimately aids them in becoming stronger, more engaged learners.

Respond to Questions Within 24 Hours

Morrison (2012), suggests that online instructors respond to student questions within 24 hours.

By providing a timely response, this once again tells the student that you are present and engaged, characteristics they will have to develop for themselves as well.

Morrison (2012) says that this method will set a tone of commitment, not only for the instructor, but also the students. This correlates with the idea t

Constructive & Personalized Feedback

Providing constructive and personalized feedback is another way to motivate online learners (Morrison, 2012). It is important to remain positive so that students develop a similar attitude towards learning.

While constructive and positive feedback is important, instructors should not "overdo it" ("101 Tips to Motivate the Online Learner, n.d.). According to the article, "101 Tips to Motivate the Online Learner" (n.d.), too much praise is ineffective.

"Provide your positive words
appropriately" ("101 Tips to Motivate the Online Learner," n.d.)


Crafting a weekly message will encourage commitment and demonstrate engagement (Morrison, 2012).

Instructors should use mediums such as YouTube videos or text messages to send a message to students at the beginning of each week, detailing assignments that are due, course objectives for the week and answering any questions students may have.

Furthermore, sending a weekly message to students helps organize course information. Students will know to expect a message and utilize this communication for success in the course.
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Acknowledge Academic Challenges

Instructors will want to identify and acknowledge academic challenges as soon as possible (Morrison, 2012).

This is a part of understanding your audience and catering to individualized needs; a must for any instructor -- online or face-to-face ("101 Tips to Motivate the Online Learner, n.d.).

It is helpful to provide outside resources to students experiencing difficulties. If a student does not understand an assignment, perhaps a video tutorial or webpage could assist (Morrison, 2012).
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Comment Strategically within Discussion Boards

A final strategy for motivating online learners is using the discussion board platform to communicate with students (Morrison, 2012).

Instructors' recognition of insightful and interesting comments makes students feel important and involved. Moreover, it shows the student that you are engaged, which is priority in an online learning environment.