The Cheetah is fast, can go as fast as 75 mph. Inhabit most of Africa and Iran. The Sudan Cheetah is probably the most well-known species of cheetahs. A cheetah has a (description of cheetah on the presentation slides)
Cheetah live to 12 yrs in wild, 20 yrs in captivity. Matures at the age of 2-3 yrs. After mating, female cheetahs give birth to about 9 cubs, and dies at 12 years in the wild.
Half-retractable claws. Some chetah get mutation of rare fur. King cheets Although female hunt by themselves, cubs come along to find out how to hunt. The cheetahs can somehow speed up to 75 mph Males have individual, not overlapping territory, but females can have overlapping territory. hunt alone. Females try to avoid eachother, but males are very social. They forem groups, but some go alone.
North east region of Africa THey mostly live in dry, hot environments, or in an environment called a savannah, which is a grassy land, where trees make more shade and have wide tops
The Sudan Cheetah's diet consists of mammal Herbivores, such as gazelles, impalas, Blesbok, and so on. They find lost animals who have gone from the group of animals. A preference of food for cheetahs: large Nyala.
Some prey include Nyala, Impala, and Gazelles. As part of the slide "Diet" (someone) mentioned that it mammal herbivores are eaten. NO exact predators, but cheetah gives up food whenever threatened, by ""higher ups" even by even a hyena.
3 years old to mate, at the least. Cheetahs use specific vocalizations for mating, Male Cheetahs will locate certain territories to find which female to mate.
Narrow, lightweight. Flexible, and extendable backbone, twistable scapula, and allow more mobility, When running, the skin stretch for flexibleness. Tail helps more speed, and both legs are near land for speed purposes.