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Natural Disaster

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by flequi

Def- Large craters in the earth with vents in the crust that contain molten rock and debris

Photo by gnuckx

-Caused by high temperature and pressure
-Molten lava rises to the surface of the volcano
-Created from large vents in the earth that contain high temperature

How do eruptions happen?
-Shifts in tectonic plates cause the pressure and temperature of the volcano to burst and send debris and lava flying through the air
(Lava rises to the surface first)

Photo by Paul RA

Scientific Processes:
Friction causes the plates to erupt
Heat turns debris into lava and magma

Photo by pierre c. 38

Volcano Types:
Cinder Cones
(cone shaped)
Composite Volcanoes (bowl shape)
Shield Volcanoes
Lava volcanoes
(Any type)

Photo by DiverKen

2008- Chaiten, largest eruption since 2002
2010- Mount Merapi, 350,000 peoples were evacuated
2011- Nabro

Largest Recorded In History:
Mt. Tambora, Sumbawa Island, Indonesia
1815, VEI 7

Photo by anoldent

Second Largest In History:
Mt St. Helens,
Skamania County,
May 18, 1980
$1.2 billion dollars in damage
57 recorded deaths

Photo by Shogun_X

Negative Effects of Volcanoes:
Forest fires
Ash burial
Gases emitted
Visual limiting

Measuring Tools:
Seismometers measure the rise of magma
SO2 and CO2 Should be identified as well

Photo by Great Beyond

Safety Precations:
All nearby towns and cities should be evacuated immediately to lower death rates

Photo by flequi

Other Reports-
No animals have been reported to sensing volcanic eruptions
(animals can use infrasound to hear what humans cannot)