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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Leo Reynolds

The author Mary. She created it in Switzerland when she was in a small competition to create a ghost story after reading some

Photo by Leo Reynolds

It was created in a time period when romanticism was popular along with horror. This mixed to make a theme of love of the paranormal

Photo by danmachold

It has themes of a gothic horror and a romance to make a gripping presentation of horror

Photo by bixentro

When his mother dies he has an obsession of science and creates a what he believes to be a beautiful human but when it is created it is a monster and it kills his brother and it's his job to fix it by giving him the company of a child so they can't build up prejudice

The monsters legacy may have been passed into the Mind of Stan lee the man that created the hulk a huge green mister dumb and unintelligent monster

Photo by Eneas