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the North and South

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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the North and South

  • By: Jordan Laza


  • The congress being unfair to the south for their actions..
  • Their different opinions on slavery.
  • The different ways both side felt the nation should be run.
  • Agricultural differences/the way their economy was run.

congress and their act of unkindness

  • 2nd reconstruction plan: Radical republican
  • Punish rebels by confiscating their land
  • replace existing political leaders
  • demand that states meet strict requirement before readmitting to the union
  • Also the plan president Johnson proposed which was much lighter plan
Photo by Serge Melki

different opinions on slavery

  • The South's resource was cotton.
  • The south worked off strictly slave labor to produce cotton
  • The South also thought that slaves were not people
  • They also felt that they shouldnt not be treated as people 
  • The north came to sense to know that slavery was cruel and wrong
Photo by Andy Fisher

how should the nation be run?

  • The south revolved around the institution of slavery
  • the south also ran an agricultural economy and benifited from slavery labor
  • The North had industries and financial centered country
  •  the north had a less rural area with free labor
  • The south was rural and the north was urban
Photo by Rennett Stowe

agricultural differences

  • The North's agriculture slowly became more industrialized . 
  • farmers were able to increase production
  • The south's agricultural system was more focused on cotton.
  • they were more focused on slave trade for money
  • All together the north and south were very different.
Photo by potomo

cited sources