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The reality of death is different for no man.
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Published on Nov 22, 2015



chap.1 quote 1: page 5

"There was no longer any joy in his eyes."
The reality of death is different for no man.

chap.1 quote 2: page 6

"Listening to his stories and trying my hardest to understand his grief."
There are many things in this world that can be called a fools task. And understanding a mans pain is one of two worlds.
Photo by Ron Clifton

cha.1 quote 3: page16

"No prayed, so that the night would pass quickly."
You must not ever forget the word of God. You never know what will happen in the days to come.

chap.2 quote 1 pg. 19

"Jews, listen to me I can see fire!."
This connect to life.
Photo by teliko82

chap.2 quote 2 pg. 21

"We had arrived - at Birkenau, reception center for Auschwitz."
This starts beginning of his journey.
Photo by Hindrik S

chap.2 quote 3 pg. 20

"They struck her several times on the head the blows might have killed her"
This brutally of people.
Photo by subhadip87

chap.3 quote 1: page 23

"We can't go like beast to the slaughter."
People put the life of any creature below them. But there's a problem when your brother takes up the sword against you. Slaves had it in a way had it better because they were worth a value. The Jews are just worthless in the Nazis eye no less then trash in a way.
Photo by englishsnow

chap.3 quote 2: page 27

"Through the blue-skylights I could see the darkness gradually fading"
This reminded of the strength that people have. No matter happens people still have the will. In that I mean all it takes in all that darkness one time to see the light. As he was in the camps and out of what they've been through being thrown each and everywhere. For the solider's that see the sun at night.
Photo by Claudio.Ar

chap.4 Quote 1: page 34

"It was for the the extraction of our gold teeth."
I pick this quote because it shows the value of gold for people. Why because it stands out for how much gold is worth, but for the boy to place the same value. Because in that beli

CHAp.5 quote 1 page 60

"The camp had become a hive." 
The reason why I choose this quote is it connects to life. In a way it reminds me of life in New York and other big cities when I was introduced to city life. Why cause he said the camp became a hive since that why the city is. Why just one big nest of workers regardless of your payment. Why because with a hive mentality includes a means of servitude towards one place in that hive.
Photo by ecstaticist

chap.5 quote 2 page

"We received more blows than food; we were crushed with work." 

chap.6 quote 1 page 64

"We were masters of nature, masters of the world."
The reason why choose this quote is it hint life for me. Why cause of all the things I've seen I love it when people in any situation master there surroundings. Some other reasons why I choose this quote because third is loved how he made it through. Fourth the other reason is the boy himself became more than a boy running in the snow, almost like transcendent. The last reason the boy grow past his weak shell and the thing that pushed him was his goal.
Photo by sabadodecine

chap. 7 quote 1 pg. 75

"And their cries seemed to come from beyond the grave."
I choose this why because it connects to life. Some other reasons why I choose this quote. Why it connected to life for me is because my grandfather pass on my mother side and when my cousin started crying that what was like. Why because to cry is to let ones true emotions. Why as all man begun to cry knowing the struggle. Why because it takes a lot for a man to cry let alone a whole group.

chap.8 quote 1 pg. 78

"Eliezer...I must tell you where to find the gold and the money I buried. "
The reason why I choose this is because it connects to life. Why because as the father was passing away he trust his son with knowledge.Why cause

chap.9 quote 1 pg. 83

"From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed back at me."
This quote connects to life when you meet a cross roads in your
Photo by Adam & Tess