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Mrs. Quinley's

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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MRs. quinley's

Classroom Procedures
Photo by xsix

Entering the room

  • Students will enter the room and sit in their desks immediately.
  • Take out your materials and begin bell work.

Leaving the room

  • Place textbook in the basket under your desk.
  • Gather trash and throw away on your way out. 
  • Turn in work to the appropriate basket.
Photo by Arria Belli

Location of the date

  • The date will ALWAYS be:
  • on the upper right hand side of the side whiteboard.
  • The agenda will be on the back whiteboard.
Photo by Kaba


  • Go BEFORE coming to class.
  • Do NOT interrupt me to ask permission.
  • Raise your hand and wait for me. 
  • Sign out on the "Sign Out" sheet by the door.
  • Take the hall pass with you. 

Borrowing Materials

  • Do this in the first 5 minutes of class.
  • Ask neighbors AROUND you not ACROSS the room.
  • Borrow some from my table.

Borrowing Materials

  • Do this in the first 5 minutes of class.
  • Ask neighbors AROUND you not ACROSS the room.
  • Borrow some from my table.

Throwing away paper

  • Wait until the end of class
  • Do NOT get up while I'm teaching to throw something away.

Sharpening Pencils

  • Do this within the first few minutes of class.
  • During class you may use your hand-held sharpener.
  • Raise your pencil in the air if you need to borrow my sharpener.
Photo by Doun Dounell

Need a tissue?

  • SILENTLY get up and get a tissue.
  • Go straight back to your desk.
  • Do not speak to your friends as you go by.

coming to attention

  • When I, Mrs. Quinley, stand in front of the class:
  • talking stops
  • everyone has their eyes on me


  • when the announcements come on please stay quiet
  • if a student is called to the office, that student will:
  • get up silently and leave the room.
Photo by monkeyc.net

Emergency drills

  • Students are expected to listen to all directions
  • Follow directions EXACTLY
  • Stay with me unless otherwise directed
  • This includes: fire drills/ bad weather/ lockdown
Photo by WarzauWynn

Emergency drills

  • Students are expected to listen to all directions
  • Follow directions EXACTLY
  • Stay with me unless otherwise directed
  • This includes: fire drills/ bad weather/ lockdown
Photo by WarzauWynn

Visitor in the room

  • Students are expected to continue working
  • If you were working silently then continue to do so.
  • If you were working in groups then continue to do so.
Photo by oxygeon


  • No eating in class unless I give permission.
  • No GUM!!
  • Only water is permitted in class.
Photo by dan taylor


  • Turn in your assignments the day they are due.
  • Place all assignments in the proper basket.
  • Your name, date and class period should be in the 
  • upper right hand corner of your paper.
  • Work turned in after 3 days will be marked -25 pts.
Photo by Frankenstein


  • Due at the beginning of class.
  • Turn work in to the appropriate basket.
Photo by 消化餅

Miss a day?

  • Check the bin from the day you missed.
  • You will find all assignments from that day here.
  • For example: Monday, Tuesday...
  • This bin is on the FRONT TABLE

Testing, testing

  • Stay silent while tests are out.
  • This includes when they are being passed out.