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This chapter gave me an outlook on the pros and cons of integrating technology in the classroom.
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Chapter 2: Kristin Velazquez

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Chapter 2

Educational Technology Issues and Trends
This chapter gave me an outlook on the pros and cons of integrating technology in the classroom.
Photo by ajari

The first thing that jumped out to me was the lack of access. A lot of teachers feel like they cant integrate technology because it just simply isn't there. Most schools do have internet (31). That isn't enough technology for the students. If there were accessible computers in each class room. It would be easier for the teachers to combine that with their daily lesson plan. Sometimes time can be a factor as well. If a teacher only has fifty minutes. To get everyone down to the computer lab can just be a hassle. Time and lack of supplies is a huge reason why teachers separate technology from education.

Photo by Arne Kuilman

Digital Divides can be a huge barrier for not having technology in the classroom. It just is not evenly distributed throughout society (32). Some kids may easily have access to high speed internet and the most up to date processor. Then on the opposing end, some children may be limited in this aspect. There may only be one computer in the home. Maybe the parents don't allow their child to use the computer. These are all key factors that can drive technology straight out of the classroom. How do we solve this issue? How can we make sure every child has access to a computer at home?

Photo by Rameshng

Enough with the negatives and the lack of technology. I want to focus on something that excites me. The picture on page 36 of the little girl using the interactive white board. This is why technology needs to be in the classroom. All kids wants to feel like they are needed. They like to be encouraged and engaged in whatever they are doing. That is why so many kids fall back including myself when I was younger. Sitting at a desk for eight hours is boring. Listening to a teacher read out of a textbook simply isn't engaging enough for a child. This child is involved with the lesson and she is using technology all at the same time. You can see the students motivation and her peers around her look engaged as well. This is the goal of learning (36). In the picture the teacher is sitting back and observing her student learn. This is a great example of the amazing use of technology in education.

Photo by dobfre

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Presentation created by Kristin Velazquez