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3 Day Diet

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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3 Day Diet

Jessie Joseph & Brittany Bryson 
Photo by Arya Ziai


  • "Lose 10 pounds in 3 days."
  • "safe... simple...effective"

Suspicious text

  • "This is not a starvation diet."
  • "You can eat whatever you want."
Photo by Leo Reynolds


  • Usually only water on first day
  • Second day only fruit juice and some fruit
  • Third day only eat veggies and Veggie juice
Photo by whl.travel

Compared to Food Pyramid

  • With only drinking fruit and vegetable juice and limiting the rest of the food you eat you miss many nutrients such as protein

Vulnerable to Promises and Claims

  • You can lose weight faster
  • 3 day diets are quicker than long term

Long Term Health Issues

  • Gallstones due to possibility of lower calorie intake.
  • Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies
  • Also cardiovascular problems

Additional Info

  • Many dieters say after their done with the diet they gain the weight back.
  • Also known as Military Diet
Photo by Rosino

Before and after 3 day diet