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Early Americans:

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Early Americans:

Aztec & Inca

By: Kayla Ngo

Period 6/Mr.Vo
Photo by @Doug88888


Aztec & Inca

Aztec Calender
♥religious calender with 260 days to keep track of rituals & festivals
♥also 350-day calender for daily use

Aztec Codice

  • painted on deerskin, cloth,or paper made out of bark or fig trees
  • it's folded in a zigzag
  • about 40 ft. long
  • it's a book to record religion or history
Photo by Travis S.

Inca Quipu

  • a string to signal what item this is 
  • didn't have a writing system, so they use this 

Class Structure

Aztec & Inca 

Kings/Nobles/Royal family

  • at the top is the king
  • then the nobles/royal family
  • this is similar to the feudalism


  • next is the merchants
  • then the commoners/farmers
  • similar to the feudalism, but merchants come first


Aztec & Inca

Aztec Fighting Against the Spaniards

  • Cotes defeated Aztec
  • He planed to kill 6000 People
  • Cotes planned a second attack

Pizarro Fighting Against the Inca

  • He defeated them
  • Pizarro wanted their gods
  • Pizarro seized Atahualpa
  • Atahualpa tried to buy freedom 

The End

Early American: Aztec & Inca 
Photo by scottjlowe