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The Grevy's Zebra

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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The Grevy's Zebra

By: Amber Viera
Photo by 710929

taxonomic Heirarchy

  • Kingdom- Animalia
  • phylum- chrodata
  • class- actinopterygii
  • order-pleuronectiformes
  • family- soleidae

Genus- Zebrias
Species- Zebrias Zebra
Photo by angela7dreams

Scientific Name- Equus Grevyi; Common Name- Zebra

Photo by rogersmithpix

Grevy's Zebras are only found wild in Africa mainly in Kenya.

The Grevy's Zebra is found mainly in Kenya.
Photo by angela7dreams

The Grevy's Zebra's standing on the Red List is that it is endangered but a stable species

Historically there were over 15,000 Grevy's zebras now there only about 2,500.

Photo by bobosh_t

The Role of Grevy's Zebras

  • Maintenance of vegetation 
  • Carnivore Prey
  • Insect population control
  • conservation status
Photo by angela7dreams

Grevy's Zebras play a major role in biodiversity and energy cycle of African animals.

Although Grevy's Zebras are beneficial their massive herds can cause overgrazing.

Photo by angela7dreams

Because they interact with human populations build up, causes Grevy's Zebras to have to move and interrupt other ecosystems.

Photo by angela7dreams


  • The biggest threat is the loss of habitat due to ranching and farming
  • They are hunted for their skin
  • climate change
  • drought
  • disease transmission
Photo by gbaku

A new conservation plan was made to help protect Grevy's zebras

Photo by Moyan_Brenn

A workshop was held to develop a new plan which discussed cross-border cooperation, protecting water and pasture resources while controlling invasive species, development of new roads and oil pipelines into the zebras habitats, and the growing human populations in the region.

Photo by biondo.flavio

The Kenya Wildlife Service says that the census of Grevy's zebra populations will be conducted later this year.

Grevy's Zebras were the first species to evolve after donkeys. Taller, narrow stripes, a white belly, black dorsal stripes, large rounded ears and a brown muzzle distinguish Grevy's zebras from the more common plains zebra.

Photo by bobosh_t