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Published on Dec 11, 2015

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  • Mountain- Eden
  • Organization- Married Couple
  • Sign-rainbow
  • God created mankind in his image. Gen. 1:27
Photo by angela7dreams


  • God created man and then women out of mans ribs
  • God told Adam (only) to eat anything but that one tree
  • Eve was tempted by serpent to eat from the tree
  • This is when sin comes into the world


  • Mountain: Moriah
  • organization: tribe
  • Sign: circumsicon
  • Between you and me I will establish my covenant, and I will multiply you exceedingly.Gen. 17:4
Photo by Serge Melki


  • God asked abraham to sacrifice his most priced gift
  • His son (points to Jesus on the cross)
  • So with trust in God Abraham took his son to the top of the Mt.
  • Right before he was about to sacrifice his son God told him to stop
  • Therefore Abraham sacrificed a clean animal (lamb)
Photo by roland


  • Mountain: Sinai
  • Organization: Nation
  • sign:10 commandments,passover
  • You shall not have other gods beside me. Exod. 20:3
Photo by @jbtaylor


  • he was in Egypt and saw a Egyptian master beating a Hebrew slave
  • Disagreement with what he was doing so he killed the master
  • left Egypt and went Midian and got married and God told him to go back to Egypt and free the slaves
  • God put a plague on every first born son
  • Egyptian Pharaoh let Moses and the slaves flee Egypt but then he changed his mind and decided to go retrieve them


  • Moses and his slaves realize they were coming after them and begin to run
  • Moses parts the Red Sea for him and the slaves to go through
  • after they all get through Moses closes it on the Egyptians and they all die


  • mountain: Calvary
  • organization: church
  • sign: Eucharist
  • This is my body, which will be given for you; do this in memory of me.” Luke 22:19
Photo by Lawrence OP

He was born to a poor sin-less virgin, Mary and her spouse Joseph in Bethlehem where He preformed miracles to people in need. He sacrificed himself for his people and our sins.

New Adam and New Eve

  • New Adam- Jesus, New Eve- Mary
  • "Oh happy fault": Original Sin brought us the sin of Jesus
  • "I will put enmity between you and the women, between her seed; he weill bruise your head and youwill bruise His heel"
  • Protoevangelium- 1st good news of a savior
  • Mary's and Jesus's yes over righted; Adam and Eve's no to God
Photo by Lawrence OP

St. Gianna
Saint Gianna became pregnant with her fourth child and late into her pregnancy the doctors told her that it was either the child to survive or her and being a very strong Catholic she chose for her child to live. Her child was born and is still living today a very healthy life but unfortunately two weeks after she was born St.Gianna passed away.

As a baby I was never baptized in any faith. In fact I made it all the way to my freshman year in high school until I was baptized. My freshman year God called me to come to the decision to become baptized on Easter Vigil with the RCIA here at Bishop Stang High School with my campus minister, Mrs. Tarantelli some other stundents. Today I practice the Catholic faith.

Photo by a2gemma