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Austin's Bible Project

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by monkeyc.net

Adam was the first man ever created. He was very special to God. The first woman, Eve, was made out of his rib. Both Adam and Eve disobeyed God and brought sin into the world.

Photo by pcstratman

Jesus came to earth in the form of a baby boy. He grew up to be the messiah. Even at a young age, he was teaching about God. He died to save everyone from their sins.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

God sent His laws down to Moses in the form of the Ten Commandments. Many people disobeyed them. God sent prophets to try and persuade them to listen before they were punished. Some people listened, and others did not.

Photo by Gerry Dincher

Jesus had twelve disciples. Eleven of them remained faithful to Him. The unfaithful one was replaced by another man named Matthias. Jesus loved all of them, even the one that betrayed Him.

Moses led the people of Israel out of Egypt. He was told to do so by God, who was in the form of a burning bush. God had to send ten different plagues on Egypt before Pharaoh let the Israelites go. The Israelites were very valuable to Pharaoh because he had turned them into slaves.

Photo by WarzauWynn

Many people had to have a very strong faith in God to continue to believe in Him. Some were threatened, hurt, or even killed. The people sometimes turned away from God. Others remained faithful.

Photo by voidView

God was the mastermind behind the whole plan of creation. He had some people play a more important role than others. He knew that Satan would try to destroy His church.
He also knew that people would sin, and that His Son, Jesus, would die to take away those sins.

Photo by ChaoticMind75

H-Holy Sprit
A lot of the disciples of Jesus received the Holy Spirit. It came to some of them as a wisp of fire. It enabled them to speak many languages. It also allowed them to be courageous at desperate moments.

Isaiah was a prophet in biblical times. Little is known about him. He did have a wife and two children. He spoke about how the people of Israel had turned away from God. He also told them to stop being sinners and to turn back to God.

Judas was the disciple who turned away from Jesus. He betrayed Jesus by handing Him over to an angry mob. Jesus was nailed on a cross and died. Judas felt guilty because of his sins and hung himself.

K-King David
David was one of the people who tried his best to follow God. He did sin, but for the most part he was a good person. Samuel anointed him king because of God's instruction. He helped to defeat the Philistine army.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

God loved His people. Even though they turned away from Him on several occasions, He still loved them. He loved them so much, He sent His Son to die on a cross for His people. He knew he would have to send Jesus though.

Martyrs are people who die because of their belief in something. Many people became martyrs for Jesus. The first one was Stephen. He was stoned to death.

Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon. He took over the southern kingdom of Judah. God allowed him to do this to punish the Israelites. They had been sinning and turning away from God.

Many things were opened in Jesus's time. His tomb was opened by angels. Some of the people's eyes were opened to know and love God. The gates to heaven were opened to many believers after they died.

P-People of Israel
The people of Israel are God's chosen people. They don't always make the right choices. Some of them do. God forgives them if the ask, though.

Many people were questioned about their faith. Jesus was questioned to see if He was the person who called Himself the Jew's King. Some of the people questioned God's promises. The disciples asked Jesus questions about the Way.

Jesus was resurrected after three days of being dead. He died on a cross. Once he was resurrected, He stayed for a little while on earth. Then He went up to heaven.

Photo by VinothChandar

Jesus is the Savior. He saved us from our sins so we could go to heaven. God sent Him to help us. Jesus now lives in heaven.

Jesus was a techer. He taught His disciples about Himself and God. The disciples taught other people these things. That is how Christianity was spread.

The people of Israel were unified at one point in time. God split them when King Solomon disobeyed God. He tore eleven of the tribes away from Solomon's son. For the sake of David, he left one tribe for him. That is how Israel was split.

Vagile means that you are free to go to places or things without restrictions. Many Christians were not vagile. Some were put in jail because of their faith in Jesus. Others were let out of jail or escaped because God allowed them to.

Water was important for baptizing people. Philip baptized an eunuch in water. Jesus was baptized in water. He was baptized by John the Baptist.

Photo by Sam Ilić

A xenophobe is someone who dislikes foreign things. The persecutors of Jesus hated His religion and teachings. They went as far as killing Him. Then they tried to kill many of His followers.

Lots of people were sad when Jesus died. They yearned for Him to come back. When He did, some were filled with joy. Others wished He had stayed dead.

Photo by Josh Kenzer

A zealot is someone who has strong feelings for something. Paul was a zealous person. He had very strong feelings about God and his religion. He would stand up to many people if they opposed his teachings for God.

Photo by Lawrence OP