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Fossil Fuel Disadvantages

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by monkeyc.net

Hi my name is Aaliyah, this Kase, Daniel, and Kara. We are here to tell you the detrimental disadvantages of Fossil Fuels.


  • Prices are REALLY high
  • Environmental hazards
  • Acid rain
  • Health of humans are effected, and we need people
  • This is a non-renewable resource, so we can't rely on it.
Photo by minnepixel


  • Their are possible oil spills, which hurt sea animals
  • Coal is mined, which hurts and kills many people worldwide

Thank you all for listening, but if you think about it, if we use the fossil fuels for energy, then pollution and smog will take over the world. We will coughing, your kids will be coughing, and your plant and animal life would suffer. Think, we can destroy those beautiful blue skies for watching ball on a Saturday afternoon. Thank you for your time. We hope y'all we take this into consideration and really think about it.

Photo by Lone Primate