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Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Photo by geishaboy500


Photo by cobalt123

Crystals are a solid body of particles made up of atoms, ions and molecules that form together in an arranged and organized three-dimensional pattern.

Photo by littleBiGsis

Crystals are formed when a heated liquid substance, such as rock or magma, cools. Another example is salt crystals forming when water evaporates.

Photo by cobalt123

Examples of crystals would be: gemstones, salt, sugar,and metals. Ice is a crystal as well.

Crystals can be made in nature, in a deep fissure in the earth. In a laboratory or at home with simple ingredients such as salt or sugar.

You can watch your own crystals grow at home by adding salt or sugar to boiling water and stirring it until it is completely dissolved. Then poor the solution into an open jar and tie a string onto a pencil.....

Photo by Ellyll

Let the string dangle Into the jar and let it sit for a few days. As the water evaporates, crystals should form on the string.

Photo by futileboy