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Solar System and Moon

Published on Dec 09, 2015

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Solar System and Moon

By: Karianne, Xianys, Kameron, and Dallas
Photo by Werner Kunz


  • The sun is the heart of our Solar System
  • The Sun gives us life and other planets heat
  • The Sun effects the moon in different ways
  • It effects the light and the types of moons
Photo by Werner Kunz


Photo by VinothChandar

The Rocky Planets

  • Mercury is the first planet from the sun
  • Venus is the second planet from the sun
  • Earth is the third planet from the sun
  • Mars is the fourth planet from the sun
Photo by martinak15

Gassy Planets

Photo by c.fuentes2007


  • Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun
  • Saturn is the from sixth planet from the sun
  • Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun
  • Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun
Photo by gainesp2003

Facts about the solar system

Facts about the solar system

Facts about the solar system


  • In the whole entire universe Earth is the only planet that has life
  • Jupiter's big red spot is a hurricane
  • Saturn's rings are made of rocks and space dust
  • People think that Mars has life
  • Uranus' has a reverse axis

one more fact page xd

Photo by davedehetre

More Facts

  • Our Solar System is called the Milky Way Galaxy
  • Our Milky Way Galaxies neighbor is the Andromeda Galaxy
  • Our Galaxy is also a Black Hole
Photo by kiwizone