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Published on Nov 26, 2015

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The Social Issue linked to the Civil War
Photo by Scott*

1808 Atlantic Slave trade

trade ends in the united states
Photo by Travis S.

1810 Underground Railroad

1810-1850 went from south through north- true freedom rested in Canada

in 40 years conductors helped over 100,000 slaves to freedom

famous folks to help

Levi Coffin: Quaker pastor who helped 3,000

Harriet Tubman: a former slave who would risk her life 19 times to lead 300 people to freedom

early 1800's slavery ends in north

EQ: Does the north need the south???
slavery ends in the north but north not completely Anti-Slavery

South produces cotton which north buys for cheap $- north produces product and sells- production cost is low but profit is high- what is the common factor- slave labor

No slavery cost of production goes up and profit is less
Photo by Kelly Short6

1835: Washington DC

Posters started to appear in DC criticizing those who supported slavery

By this time all states north of Virginia had abolitionist groups forming- they were small in numbers but the movement started
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Northern Abolitionists

These people wanted to end the unethical slavery system. The question was how???

Potential Solution:

1. slave revolts
2. Congress
3. gradual end so it wouldn't hurt the south


The faces of Social Reform 

William lloyd garrison

" The Liberator"
Very critical of slavery
called for an immediate end to slavery

first publication of the paper the Liberator was in 1831

what is the symbolism of the name of the paper?

Printed in his paper

  • I will be as harsh as the truth 
  • and as uncompromising as justice
  • I will not excuse 
  • I will not retreat a single inch
What does this message convey?

What is the tune of the message?

Results of this bold statement

1. death threats
2. house burned down
3. printing press destroyed

Frederick Douglas

his story begins when he goes to work for Ed Covey and a BRUTAL slave breakers

Reading on Mr. Covey and Douglas

Covey's brutality will inspire Douglas in 1836 to set a goal of FREEDOM

He will escape but be caught in April and jailed

Freedom will come in 1838 when he is working in a shipyard and stows away and lands in NYC

he settled in New Bedford, Ma
Photo by judy_breck


Douglas will hear Garrison speak 
inspired by Garrison's words the 2 will team up to lead a movement

Garrison & Douglas

The Mentor's Ideologies and Beliefs 
Garrison is a

1. radical
2. supports the split of the union
3. feels that the Constitution is a pro slavery document

1851: the duo will have a parting of ways that will last for the entire Civil War

Douglas' views

1. split of union will be bad for the slaves
2. he believes the Constitution offers EMANCIPATION

1852: Douglas goes out on speaking tours

Photo by nshivar