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Photo by brian glanz


  • "New and Now"
  • Focused on here and now
  • Thinks in linear progress
  • Critique as a perspective
  • Critique means of emancipation
Photo by ahsonwardak


  • Different than classical era
  • Nothing repeats
  • Time keeps going making progress
Photo by o palsson


  • Gives mind power
  • Overcome what we know
  • Used to determine what is true
  • Descartes is known for critique


  • Centers on problem of concioussness
  • Epistemological concept of Critique
  • Teleological concept of progress of mankind
Photo by kevin dooley


  • Rationalism (Descartes)
  • Empiricism (Hume)
  • Criticism (Kant)
  • Idealism (Hegel)
  • Materialism (Marx)


  • Lived 1596-1649
  • Mathematical genius
  • Tie math and philosophy together
  • Doubt anything that can be doubted
  • Looking for certain truth


  • Four concepts of doubt
  • Can't trust senses, could be crazy, could be dreaming, demon trick
  • What can't be doubted?
  • Can't doubt ability to doubt
  • Cogito, ergo, sum

DESCARTES's legacy

  • Birth of Modern Idea of Concioussness
  • Focus on individual
  • not clear conclusion
  • allows for different interpetations
Photo by Claudio.Ar

David Hume

  • Scottish Philosopher
  • study of Human Morality
  • Make philosophy a science
  • Moral philosophy- science of human nature
Photo by eriwst

David hume

  • Base philo in experience
  • No a priori statements
  • Geography on mind: two tasks- descriptive and Explanatory
  • perceptions and its two types: impressions and ideas
Photo by illuminaut

Immanuel Kant

  • philosopher from russia
  • His philo is "critical Philosophy" of Modernity
  • Main Objective: bring Metaphysics back to glory
Photo by g_aquarian

Immanuel Kant

  • Major topics: Limits of Knowledge, Ideas of REason, Morality
  • Two types of ideas: A posteriori and a priori
  • A posteriori depends on sense experience
  • A priori comes from the mind and not from sense experience
Photo by Alexbip

Immanuel Kant

  • Structure of mind
  • Reason, understanding, sensibility
  • Constructs of mind
  • Mind does not conform to objects, objects conform to the mind
Photo by sarsifa


  • German idealist
  • Philosophy equals system
  • Absolute idealism- being is an all inclusive whole
  • has to be a connective point to connect two other points
Photo by quinn.anya


  • REason is always coming to know itself through the dialectic process
  • Truth becomes based on context through process
  • truth is ever growing with history

hegel's politics

  • Hegel writes about proper politics
  • people's duty to control how they are ruled
  • Philosophy can lead to perfect governments
Photo by VinothChandar

Post Hegelian Philosophy

  • Karl Marx heavily influenced by Hegel
  • Agreed with many of hegel's ideas
  • offered that civil society is the focus to see development
  • This led to the development of Communism
Photo by andrewbrix20


  • What made modernity so self focused?
  • Why is there no eternal truth according to hegel?
Photo by Oberazzi


  • Why is basing everything in experience so essential to hume?
  • How come Descartes never came to a solid bona fide answer for his thinking?


  • What made Descartes so obsessed with making philosophy like math?