There are a lot of minerals in Antarctica due to it being a temperate country and these minerals include the following: Silver,Gold, Cobalt, Copper, Chromium, Iron, Molybdenum, Manganese, Nickel, Lead, Titanium, Uranium, and Zinc. These minerals are valued in many countries and this is why the Antarctic treaty was made. (To stop people from mining all the minerals)
Mining the minerals in Antarctica is very dangerous considering that it could destroy a natural habitat or it could wipe out species that live in certain places that you've mined essentially making them extinct.
Antarctica, like all land masses, contains minerals, oil and gas from when it was a temperate continent. ( I mean this as in before it was separated from the other countries). Commercial mining was banned in the 1990's and a year later mining was banned because or the damage it caused. People will be again allowed to mine from 2041.It was banned by the same countries that's signed the Antarctic treaty. This "new" treaty is called the Madrid Protocol.
Mining in Antarctica is bad considering a lot of money, effort, and equipment is involved. Not only this but It is also very dangerous considering ice could fall on your head from becoming loose due to you mining it, getting trapped in crevices and losing communication with the outside world.