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Published on Mar 16, 2016

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By:Savannah and Evan
Photo by EMSL

Some microbes cause millions of deaths to humans and animals microbes are called germs by many people.

Photo by schoschie

Not all microbes are bad some are useful and some you could not live without.

Photo by Enokson

Doctors call microbes that cause disease pathogens.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Some symptoms of pathogens are fever,pain,nausea,tiredness,rashes and inflammation.

Photo by NIAID


  • Bacteria
  • Viruses
  • Protozoa
  • Fungi
Photo by skoeber

Bacteria are tiny organisms made of a single cell.

Photo by NIAID

Many bacteria are good for us.

Photo by Punkemon

We use some bacteria to make cheese and yogurt.

Photo by crayonbeam


  • Tetanus
  • Pneumonia
  • Cholera
  • Tuberculosis
  • Strep throat
Photo by EMSL

Once a virus enters a cell it takes over.

Photo by talksrealfast

An invasion by a virus can leave the body weak and diseased.

Photo by Darwin Bell

More common viruses can cause mumps,measles,rabies,AIDS, polio and some cancer.

Protozoa likes to live where there is a lot of moisture.

Photo by John-Morgan

The most dangerous thing Protozoa can cause is malaria it comes from mosquitos.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Fungi are parasites that live on the outside of human skin fungi can cause ringworm and athletes foot.

And all the microbes lived happily ever after I think
The end!

Photo by kevindean