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Resurgence of Conservatism

Chapter 33 section 1


  • liberalism believe that goverment should regulate the economy to protect people from the large corporation and wealthy elites


  • conservatism believe that if the goverment regulates the economy it makes the economy less efficient resulting in less wezlth and moe rove and more provety

the rise of the sunbelt

  • the movement to the south and west together known as the sunbelt continued after the war

suburban conservatism

  • when riots erupted and crime rates went up during the 1960s and 1970s many americans moved to suburbs

the religious rights

  • the feminist movement and the push for equal rights amendment further alarmed religious americans because it seemed to represent an assualt on the traditional family

sunbelt conservatism

  • americans in the sunbelt opposed high taxes and federal regulations that threatened to interfere with their regions growth

religion rise again

  • After WWII a religious revival began in the united states

minister uprise

  • Television allowed ministers to reach a large nationwide audience and they where call televangelists.


  • using television and mail campaigns.The moral majority built up a network of ministers to register new voters
  • Falwell later claimed to have brought in 2 million new voters by 1980
  • Pat Robertson founded the christian Broadcasting network


  • By late 1970s about 70 million americans described themselves as born again
  • Jerry Falwell used his television show the old time gospel to found a movement

sunbelt conservatism

  • This region had more unemployment people than any other and its cities were often congested and polluted

A new change

  • Americans were tired of change and upheaval.They wanted stability and Ronald Reagan offered hope to a nation in distress

New President

  • In 1980 Ronald Reagan a strong conservative was elected president


  • President Johnson easily defeated Goldwater and won the election by a landslide

Presidential Election

  • Conservatism could not became a mass movement if americans had not responded to conservatives ideas
  • After Goldwaters huge loss in 1964 american society moved in a conservative direction.