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Slide Notes

This Haiku Deck presentation template for idea sharing was created using the Novella theme, image filters off.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz
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Copy of Killer Speech Template

Simple, beautiful, flexible presentation template to use as a starting point for a killer speech.


Untitled Slide

This Haiku Deck presentation template for idea sharing was created using the Novella theme, image filters off.

More about Haiku Deck themes: http://blog.haikudeck.com/presentation-templates-with-pizzazz
Photo by Susan NYC


@mamatweeta @haikudeck
Photo by davis.jacque

Some things we'll cover

  • Annoying PowerPoint survey
  • Seattle rap stars
  • Origami
  • Etc.
  • Etc.
Today we are going to touch on all of these unlikely topics...
Photo by Ray Schamp

A story

Haiku Deck's minimal format encourages concise, bold headlines.

You can import your own image (http://blog.haikudeck.com/import-images-like-a-pro/) or use the integrated Creative Commons image search for a more metaphorical approach (More about that here:

"Inspirational and tone-setting quote from someone you admire or that your audience will relate to."

Photo by tiddlywinker

A common misunderstanding

Highly tweetable sound bite, (with #hashtag & your Twitter handle, if you like).


A bit more detail about your big idea.

Photo by Vinovin

key point 1

You can support your big idea with three key points.

Presenting them one at a time, rather than all at once, helps each one sink in.

clarifying Example

Photo by boyetboy


Here's an example of a Haiku Deck bar chart, a quick way to showcase simple data or trends.

More about Haiku Deck charts and graphs here:

key point 2

clarifying example

Photo by mightymoss

Audience involvement

  • Poll
  • Show of hands
  • Experiment
Photo by alex_ford

key point 3

clarifying Example


Click to Edit

one more story

Another highly tweetable sound bite.

Photo by andynew

Review of Three Key Points

  • Point 1
  • Point 2
  • Point 3
Here you can come back to your big idea and your three key points.

More about creating Haiku Deck lists here:
Photo by Marie in NC

Recap of the big idea, with a clear call to action.


Photo by Earthworm

thank you

Photo by Amyn Kassam

Contact info

Website Email @Twitter
You can end with your contact information, website, etc. -- and include more detail in the Notes if needed.

More about Haiku Deck Notes:

Have a great example of a killer speech Haiku Deck? Be sure to share it with us at gallery@haikudeck.com!