The ocean covers almost all of the earths surface. 96% of of the living space of the earth is in the ocean. Around half of our oxygen comes from it, but yet we as humans are ruining this indispensable feature, by polluting and causing global warming to rise.
The oceans temperature varies from its place and from its season. The temperature depends from the amount of solar energy that is absorbed. The warming effects the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the ocean. The temperature has a big effect on the marine life,and changes from areas to areas.
Some animals and some algae use carbonate ions and calcium ions to produce their shells and skeletons. As the ocean is getting more acidic, some organisms have trouble finding carbonate ions.
Ocean acidification makes it harder for some organisms absorb nitrogen,phosphorus,iron which are essential for growth.
Ocean acidification does not only affect the marine life but also us as humans. Fisheries, won't be able to sell a lot because most of the fish will be extinct. But fisheries won't be the only ones with a huge impact on their businesses, restaurants, beaches...