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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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by:Blake Lautemann

How Many People Are Hindus?

  • Currently there are around 900 million followers worldwide.
Photo by calvinistguy

Where And When Did It Start?

  • Hinduism first started in India.
  • It is unknown when hinduism started.

When And Where Do They Worship?

  • Hindus worship at places called mandiras.
  • The Hindu people worship every day of the week.

What Are Some Important Gods Or Deitys

  • Brahman who is their overall creator.
  • Vishnu who is their most widely worshiped deity.
  • Shiva who helped create the universe.

What Are Some Important Symbols?

  • The swastica means good fortune,time, and knowlege.
  • Aum is their main symbol and means god and creation.
Photo by evymoon

What Are Some Major Holy Days?

  • Divali is like a hindu new year and they light candles to celebrate.
  • Holi is celebrated by splashing colored powder on each other.
  • Navratri is celebrates motherhood and one of their deitys Durga.

Are There Any Special Practices?

  • Hindus do not eat cow or beef because they believe it is sacred.
  • When married they take seven steps , each one for a different blessing.
  • They are cremated after death.
  • A ceremony is done after death by the closest male relative.
Photo by Calidenism

What Do They Believe?

  • They believe in karma.
  • They believe that after death you are reincarnated into something else.
  • They believe that what you are reincarnated as is determined by karma.
  • They believe in one supreme god called Brahman.
  • They believe in multiple smaller gods or deitys.