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My Virtual Resume

Published on Nov 19, 2015

Exam Part 2 Haiku Deck Reflection


My Virtual Resume

Written By: Tahmid Bhuiya
Photo by The CV Inn

My objective

To finish high school and get into a good university

Goals to accomplish Objective

Finance/invest/budget and get higher marks in school
Photo by aresauburn™


I am committed, responsible, respectful, organized and can manage time well
I show great commitment, I am responsible, punctual, organized, respectful, hard-working and I have great time management skills so that I never fall behind


Asking Questions is something I can improve on to gain better understanding
Photo by RLHyde


Basketball, Swimming, Watching Hockey, Baseball amd Soccer


Watching News, Reading, Writing, Learning and Playing all kinds of games 
Photo by Mark Blevis


Photo by USDAgov

Dream Job and Pathway

The career I want to pursue is a neurosurgeon
Photo by Bhakua


Math, Science, English/Foreign Languages and advanced classes are important
Photo by Jösé

Industry connection to hobby/industry

Swimming and healthcare both involve treating different injuries

The End

Photo by cobalt123