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Enlightenment Ideals

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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Enlightenment Ideals

By: Vianney Garcia

Popular Sovereignty

  • Relocated the power to the people.

The Social Contract

  • Everyone in society had an equal right to participate in making laws
  • Everyone in a society should participate and be held accountable for their actions.

Contractual Government

  • The government should be held accountable for the people they are in charge of.
  • The people elect representatives to promote their interest.
  • The people can replace the ruler if they don't approve.
  • Created by John Locke in Second Treatise of Civil Government.

Freedom & Equality

  • Freedom and equality where two important ideas during the enlightenment period.
  • Didn't apply to women, children, slaves, peasants and colored.
Photo by chinota