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ABCs Of Science

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Photo by kevin dooley

A is for Amphibian. An amphibian is a vertebrate animal that has smooth skin and starts it's life in water.

Photo by atomicshark

B is for Bird. A Bird is a vertebrate animal that has feathers and wings used to fly.

Photo by blmiers2

C is for conduction. Conduction is the energy transfer by touch.

Photo by nils_peterson

D is for dependent variable. A dependent variable is the response you get after an experiment.

E is for electricity. Electricity is the flow of an electric current.

Photo by MohammadHasan

F is for force. Force is the amount of energy used to move an object.

G is for gravitropism. Gravitropism is the stimulus response to gravity.

Photo by n.stauffer

H is for heat. Heat is the amount of friction made between two molecules.

I is for incandescent light. An incandescent light is a light that has a bright glow with heat.

Photo by Carlos Varela

J is for jet stream. The jet stream is a fast moving ribbon of air that carries weather patterns.

K is for kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement.

Photo by Cayusa

L is for land breeze. A land breeze is a coastal breeze that blows from the land to sea at night.

M is for magnet. A magnet is a piece of iron or steel that has a magnetic field.

Photo by nils.rohwer

N is for newtons. Newtons are the units used to measure force.

O is for oxygen. Oxygen is a colorless, odorless substance in the atmosphere that we breath.

P is for pulley. A pulley is a simple machine with a wheel with a grooved rim that a rope or cable run through.

Photo by Arlo Bates

Q is for quantitative observation. A quantitative observation is an observation using or involving numbers.

R is for respiration. Respiration is the process of turning food into energy that happens in plants and animals.

Photo by satshot2010

S is for sea breeze. A sea breeze is a coastal breeze that blows from the sea to land during the day.

Photo by bochalla

T is for transpiration. Transpiration is water that is being evaporated out of a plant.

Photo by Zappy's

U is for ultraviolet radiation. Ultraviolet radiation is radiation of higher frequencies then visible light, for example the uv rays from the sun.

Photo by Etrusia UK

V is for vascular system. The vascular system is a long tube-like structures that water and food move through throughout the plant.

W is for wheel and axle. A wheel and axle is a simple machine with a wheel attached to a shaft.

Photo by cbcastro

X is for xylem. A xylem is a vascular tube that carries water throughout the plant.

Photo by Joe Edwards

Y is for y-axis. The y-axis is the line that runs vertically down on a graph and that the responding or dependent variable goes on.

Z is for zoology. Zoology is the study of animals.