To me health means how good you treat your body and others. The health book's definition of health is the well-being of your body, your mind, and your relationship with other people. According to Wikipedia health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism.
Eating healthily means to eat fruits and vegetables and to keep away from junk foods. Yes I do eat healthy because I believe that it is important to keep you body at its best. Here are some healthy foods that I eat, apples , bananas, green beans, cheese, and the occasional salad.
Exercise is an important part of health because it keeps your body active and is good for you. I exercise because I want to be big and strong. If I had a friend that didn't exercise I would try to talk them into it and then just start with simple exercises and then go from there.
I think that the topics that we are going to discuss in class are stress, the well-being of your body, alcohol, and diseases. I think that because those are some of the things that come into my mind when I think about health. I hope we cover the topics of stress and the well-being of your body because I want to learn how to prevent stress and how to treat my body the right way.