In this Book, We start off with Odyssseus outing the sea nymphs, by tying himself down and telling his men to restrain him. Odysseus and his crew confront the beast Skylla, after Kirke tells them of it and the way to get home. Odysseus doesn't tell his men of the warning Kirke told him about Skylla, leading to some of their deaths. Afterwards, Odysseus wants to move on, but his mean yearned for rest, though Kirke also warned against that. To avoid a revolt, they rest. But while Odysseus sleeps, his men eat lord Helios' cattle. This leads to the god complaining to Zeus, and Zeus destroying Odysseus' ship. And killing all of his men.
This book doesn't change Odysseus views on getting home. He still very much so wants to be home, and this just shows how persistent he is and the resilience he portrays when getting through these challenges.