Thai cuisines are originally are very spicy because most of the Thai people likes spicy food for example Som Tam, Kra Pao Kai and etc. They are mostly very popular even Thai foods that come from North, West, South, East also foods that are from nearby countries are famous in Thailand.
Thai - ข้าวเหนียวไก่ทอด
English - Sticky rice with Fried chickens
It is sticky rice with fried chickens but of you eat it in Thailand they would give you fried garlic to eat with it.
Thai - ผัดไทยกุ้งสด
English - Stir-fried rice noodle with shrimp
It is noodle but in Thai style, they will put little dried shrimps and big shrimps in it too.
Thai - เเกงเขียวหวานไก่
English - Green curry
It is an very exciting dish even though the Americans ones are more spicy but this has the taste of coconut.
Thai - ก๋วยเตี๊ยวเรือ
English - Boat noodle
It is a Thai style noodle dish, which has a strong flavor. It contains both pork and beef, as well as Dark soy sauce.