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Tutorial 02.23.15

Published on Dec 14, 2015

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Tutorial 02.23.15

Photo by boodoo


Bigger countries taking over smaller countries
Photo by Bertil Videt

Scramble for Africa

taking over every part of Africa
Photo by zimbart

White Man's Burden

a racist advertisement claiming that white men are superior 
Photo by VinothChandar

Raw Materials

resources needed after Industrialization 
Photo by net_efekt


the pride one shows for their nation
Photo by jurjen_nl

Spanish-American War

the war between United States and Spain
Photo by Tim Evanson

Monroe Doctorine

the document the U.S used to mark territory

Manifest Destiny

destiny that defines where boundary lines are
Photo by Meg Stewart

Naval Bases

support for forces afloat
Photo by Spaudo

Panama Canal

a canal that U.S gained control over
Photo by dsasso