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Simple Recall

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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Simple Recall

assessment of learning

"Simple Recall Test"

- is a test of memory in which participants are presented with stimuli and then, after a delay, are asked to remember as many of the stimuli as possible

Photo by KJGarbutt

Types of Recall Test

  • 1. Cued recall 
  • 2. Free recall 
  • 3. Serial recall 

1. Cued recall

- is like free recall except subjects are given hints (cues) at the time of recall. The cue must relate to the way a subject interpreted the item in the list

Photo by stevendepolo

2. Free recall

- test of memory in which subjects are asked to memorize a short sequence of pictures, numbers, or words then relay the information in any order

Photo by VinothChandar

3. Serial recall

- tests a person's ability to remember information in a precise order or to remember circumstances as they occurred within a time frame

Photo by monkeyc.net

Recall Test - is used frequently in cognitive psychology as a means of gauging memory. Clinicians frequently use recall test to evaluate various aspects of short-term memory — a person's ability to retrieve information recently learned
and also help people to retrieve information more effectively

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