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Persuasive Writing Challenge

Published on Jun 04, 2016

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Persuasive Writing Challenge

By: Shayrin Oad

Writing Time!

  • Persuasive writing is one of the most difficult, because it requires you to craft your sentences very carefully. However, it is also one of the most open-ended writing types since you get to choose what side you want to take in the essay.

Here's Your Topic

  • How much emphasis should parents' place on their children's grades?
  • Write a persuasive essay over this topic with the essential elements.

Before You Write

  • Plan out your argument.
  • Make sure you take a side. It is vital that you not be on the fence about your opinion. Take a side and support it.

After You Write

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Did you include a thesis that adresses the key points of your essay?
Photo by slimninja

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Did you include facts to back up your opinion?
  • Did these facts come from CREDIBLE sources?

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Did you include Ethos, Pathos, and Logos?
Photo by Pathos Photos

Questions to Ask Yourself

  • Did you include a call to action?
Photo by gagstreet


  • If you have time, edit at the end. The more times you edit, the better your essay will be.
Photo by Knight725